How Do You Get an Amaryllis to Bloom Again?

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How To Rebloom Amaryllis: Step By Step Instructions
How To Rebloom Amaryllis: Step By Step Instructions
How To Rebloom Amaryllis Step By Step Instructions
How To Rebloom Amaryllis Step By Step Instructions
How To Rebloom Amaryllis Step By Step Instructions
How To Rebloom Amaryllis: Step By Step Instructions

With the right care, and a few elementary steps, amaryllis bulbs rebloom twelvemonth after year! Getting amaryllis to rebloom sounds difficult, only information technology'due south actually actually easy. Follow these pace-by-step instructions to rebloom your amaryllis plants.

Rebloom Your Amaryllis Bulbs! How To Make Amaryllis Bloom Again

Amaryllis have become super pop winter blooming plants, and are especially popular during the holidays.

Just since they have the reputation of beingness disposable gift plants, many people toss their amaryllis out once it'south done blooming.

This is really deplorable because not only practice they brand nifty houseplants, it's also really easy to rebloom your amaryllis twelvemonth after year. You just take to know the secret for how to make an amaryllis rebloom.

Note: This method will not work with a waxed amaryllis bulb. Unfortunately, waxed amaryllis bulbs won't bloom once more, and volition need to exist discarded.

'Apple Blossom' amaryllis reblooming
'Apple Flower' amaryllis reblooming

Why Won't My Amaryllis Bloom Again?

The first fourth dimension I bought myself an amaryllis plant, I thought that it would rebloom on it'southward own every wintertime. So, afterward it was done blooming, I kept it growing as a houseplant, and information technology was ane of my favorites.

Just, after a few years of growing information technology, my amaryllis never rebloomed, and I had no thought why. There were always tons of beautiful night green amaryllis leaves, but no flower.

Well, information technology turns out it had never rebloomed because I was missing a crucial footstep in the process…

My gorgeous red amaryllis bulbs reblooming
My gorgeous red amaryllis bulbs reblooming

The Disquisitional Step For Reblooming Amaryllis Bulbs

The crucial step for getting amaryllis to rebloom? Giving the bulb a rest period (i.e.: allowing it to get fallow).

If you desire to try to rebloom your amaryllis, y'all just need to allow the seedling to become into a natural dormancy stage. Let information technology rest for a few weeks, and that volition trigger information technology to bloom once again.

So simple!

Once I figured that out, I have been able to rebloom my amaryllis plants every twelvemonth, it's super easy!

And the funny thing is that amaryllis will bloom and so prolifically when they're given the proper treatment that they tin bloom even if the bulbs aren't growing in dirt. Crazy, right!?!

Reblooming amaryllis bulb without soil ('Clown' and 'Apple Blossom' amaryllis bulbs)
Reblooming amaryllis bulb without soil ('Clown' and 'Apple Blossom' amaryllis bulbs)

Easy Steps To Rebloom Your Amaryllis Plants

The steps to rebloom your amaryllis outset as before long as the flowers fade. Here are step-by-step instructions…

Step one: Remove the flower spike – Equally soon as your amaryllis flowers fade and dice, cutting off the flower spike. It'due south easy to figure out where to cut an amaryllis blossom afterward information technology fades. Just cut it all the way downward to the top of the seedling.

This step is important, because you want to make sure your amaryllis plant produces enough energy to store in the bulb then that it will be able to bloom again next year.

Removing the faded blossom and the flower stalk volition permit the bulb to start building free energy right away for side by side years flower.

Pace 2: Keep the leaves growing – Abound your amaryllis as a houseplant through the wintertime, keeping information technology in a sunny location and exit the foliage growing.

If you don't have much natural calorie-free in your home, I suggest getting a abound calorie-free. Amaryllis brand great houseplants, and accept lovely thick light-green foliage.

One reblooming amaryllis bulb (and more flowers to come)
One reblooming amaryllis bulb (and more than flowers to come)

Step 3: Move it outside in the spring – Movement your amaryllis plant outside to a sunny location once all chance of frost is gone in the leap.

Just like whatsoever houseplant you move exterior in the jump, you'll want to slowly acclimatize your amaryllis establish to full sunlight or the leaves could burn down.

As well, be sure it'due south growing in a pot that has drainage holes so your found won't drown when it rains.

Growing amaryllis outdoors during the summertime is very easy, and you can practically ignore your plants all summer.

My white amaryllis reblooming
My white amaryllis reblooming

Step 4: Fertilize your amaryllis – For best results, feed your amaryllis regularly during the leap and summer months. There isn't a special kind of amaryllis plant food (at least not that I know of), so you tin can just use a general purpose ane.

I recommend using an organic product rather than a chemical ane though, or you could risk damaging the plant (plus organic ones piece of work so much better!).

My favorite types are fish emulsion (for outdoor use only), compost tea, or indoor constitute nutrient. It'due south non essential to go on on a rigid feeding schedule. I've had success reblooming amaryllis bulbs fifty-fifty when I didn't give the establish any.

Just brand sure y'all stop fertilizing a few weeks before you decide you want to move it back indoors. Learn all about fertilizing houseplants hither.

Step v: Move the plant back indoors – I movement my amaryllis plants indoors right earlier frost in the fall. If you want to rebloom your amaryllis for Christmas, and so y'all'll need to move it inside to start the dormancy period in most mid-August.

Storing Amaryllis Bulbs

Stride 6: Allow your amaryllis plant to go dormant – Here's the crucial footstep to rebloom your amaryllis that I mentioned above (the one that I was missing for the kickoff few years).

Storing amaryllis bulbs
Storing amaryllis bulbs

Amaryllis bulbs need a remainder period in social club to bloom, so move your plant to a cool, nighttime location. Store your amaryllis dormant in an unheated basement or a garage where the temperature stays above freezing (never allow them to freeze).

You lot tin can exit your amaryllis bulb correct in the pot if you prefer, or y'all can store your bulbs blank root. I usually shop mine in their pots because it's one less step, but some people swear their amaryllis blooms better when they store the bulbs bare root.

Repotting amaryllis bulbs after dormancy
Repotting amaryllis bulbs after dormancy

Step 7: Look for six-8 weeks – Store your amaryllis bulbs for 6-eight weeks. During this time, you'll want to completely ignore them. Permit the soil and the bulb to dry out completely, and don't water your potted amaryllis at all while information technology'south in storage.

The leaves will usually die back completely, so you tin can remove them as they dry upwardly if you want, or just go out them exist.

Storing amaryllis bulbs bare root
Storing amaryllis bulbs bare root

Repotting Amaryllis Bulbs

Pace 8: Bring your amaryllis bulbs out of storage – If you stored your bulbs bare root, or your bulbs have outgrown their pots, then it'south time to repot them.

You don't need to worry almost buying any special blazon of amaryllis potting soil, you can simply use a general purpose potting soil.

When planting amaryllis bulbs in pots, take care not to bury them too deep, i/2 to ane/three of the seedling should be above the soil line. You besides don't want to apply too large of a pot, it should be less than twice the diameter of the bulb.

If you plan to go out your amaryllis blossom bulbs growing in their current pot, so yous tin skip this step.

Newly potted amaryllis bulb
Newly potted amaryllis bulb

Pace 9: Pause their dormancy – Afterward their dormancy period is over, move your amaryllis bulbs into a warm, sunny spot, and give them a skilful drink of water.

Calculation lesser heat volition help suspension their dormancy faster (you can employ the aforementioned heat mat equally you use for germinating seeds).

Some amaryllis bulbs volition start to grow within days of moving them to a sunny spot, others could have four-6 weeks earlier showing signs of life. So be patient.

Amaryllis flower just starting to grow
Amaryllis flower just starting to grow

How To Care For Amaryllis Plants Once They Start Growing

It's super exciting to see the first signs of life on your amaryllis bulbs after y'all break their dormancy!

I've been reblooming amaryllis for years, and I still become giddy when I see them beginning to abound, peculiarly when the flower spike starts to peek its head out.

Related Mail: How To Grow Indoor Plants: The Ultimate Guide

Amaryllis rebloom flower emerging
Amaryllis rebloom bloom emerging

Go on in mind that sometimes the leaves volition start to grow before the flower spike, and sometimes the flower spike will come first.

You can tell the departure right away considering the leaves volition be flat and thin, and the flower spike volition be thick and fat. Don't worry if your amaryllis starts growing leaves starting time, that doesn't mean it won't bloom.

Besides, depending on the historic period and size of your amaryllis bulbs, they might grow more than than one flower spike. That'due south always such a treat!

Amaryllis leaves growing before flower
Amaryllis leaves growing before flower

Every bit before long as your amaryllis starts to grow a flower spike, you'll want to brand sure it'south getting plenty of calorie-free. Amaryllis flowers grow really fast, and will reach for the light if they aren't getting enough.

They tin can also grow really tall and skinny if they don't get plenty lite, which makes the stems weak, and they might not be able to support the weight of the flower.

And so, add together a grow light if you need to, and make certain to rotate the pot daily then the flower fasten will grow straight upward. If the flower spike won't stand up up by itself, you lot can use an amaryllis stake to hold it up.

Amaryllis flower growing after the leaves have already started
Amaryllis bloom growing after the leaves accept already started

Quick Amaryllis Care Tips

  • H2o your amaryllis freely during the active growing season, but allow the soil to dry out a scrap between watering
  • Never overwater amaryllis plants or the seedling volition eventually rot
  • Though they will abound in low calorie-free conditions, amaryllis plants demand full sun in order to rebloom
  • Once the flower spike starts to grow, rotate the pot daily to make sure it grows straight up
  • Give your amaryllis plenty of light as the blossom spike grows, or it volition be tall and weak

Become my complete amaryllis plant intendance instructions here.

'Clown' amaryllis rebloom success!
'Clown' amaryllis rebloom success!

Amaryllis plants are very easy to intendance for, and make wonderful houseplants. If you follow these steps for how to rebloom amaryllis bulbs, you'll be able to bask those gorgeous flowers for years to come!

Information technology will even produce babies as it get older, which tin can exist removed and potted on their own, though it volition take a few years earlier these babies volition have blooms of their ain.

Amaryllis babies ready to be removed from mother plant
Amaryllis babies ready to be removed from mother plant

If you don't accept any of these gorgeous plants in your drove all the same, y'all can buy amaryllis bulbs, or observe amaryllis plants for sale around the holidays.

If you're a bargain hunter (and have patience), you tin can detect tons of disbelieve amaryllis bulbs on sale after the holidays (and this is why I have and so many in my collection!).


Want more than information almost caring for dissimilar types of houseplants (including other fun winter blooming plants)? Pick up a copy of my Winter Houseplant Intendance eBook! It'south filled with tons of information nigh keeping houseplants alive (and thriving!) during the long wintertime months. It will make growing houseplants a joy again!

More than Houseplant Care Posts

  • How To Abound Amaryllis In Water
  • Christmas, Thanksgiving, & Easter Cactus: How To Tell Them Apart
  • How To Water Indoor Plants: The Ultimate Guide
  • Autumn Houseplant Intendance Guide
  • How To Salvage A Rotting Cactus Plant

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How To Rebloom Amaryllis: Step By Step Instructions


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